This is my 2D Platformer Project.
Modifications I made:

  1. Turned the UI box, buttons, and score displays green to make the game focus on the theme of acid featured in the levels
  2. Added 2 different types of trampolines. Red trampolines allow you to jump higher than green trampolines do.
  3. Added additional keys for movement and jumping (added the W and up arrow key for jumping, and added the left and right arrow keys for moving)
  4. Added an enemy that heals you 2 hearts when jumped on, but deals 3 hearts of damage when touched
  5. Added a fast-moving purple acid block that cannot be destroyed, and added a lava block half the size of an acid tile, which deals 1 heart of damage
  6. Modified the first 2 levels and added a third level


Created by Nicholas Arutyunov.


Download 30 MB

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